with Jennifer Garner, MS, LPC

Hello KMOC Listeners!

-from Jennifer Garner, LPC

Thanks for coming to the recap on my Sound Mind Summer series. Here are the basics that I mentioned on air. I appreciate you taking the time to find these resources. First, note that the chart below is not mine. It is just my favorite — credit goes to Marie S. Dezelic, PHD.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7

It’s been a long year for many of us and we desperately want that promise of a sound mind that comes from God. This series was tailored around the tool called Window of Tolerance (created by Professor Dan Siegel). It explains our bodies response to trauma and stress and helps us identify when we are not feeling safe and connected in our environment.  The responses we have to the perceived threat are fight, flight, freeze (and fawn). Those reactions were created for our bodies to survive, but people with trauma, acute stress, illness or mental health concerns will move out of the window more quickly and will sometimes function in the survival states.

This leaves us feeling emotionally unregulated.  

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods’ will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will. -Romans 12:2 

Our body is a perfect system,  intentionally designed by God to let us know when it perceives danger. The important thing to realize is that this is involuntary. You don’t mean to have the responses that you do. Your body is constantly assessing threats and will respond instinctively depending on the circumstances mentioned. So why should we know about this at all, if the body is going to respond how it responds? This is where it gets interesting and provides hope. As surely as God made symptoms for when things of the world aren’t right, he also provides healing. One example of this is neuroplasticity. This is the ability for your brain to grow and reorganize the way you think. It is incredible that God designed us in such an intricate way that our brains can basically rewire. One way to help your system do this when it comes to perceived threat is by widening the window. The following are steps to take, but first, be patient and kind with yourself. You are not a problem to be “fixed.” You are growing and being sanctified. This takes time. 


  1. Pay attention to yourself. Do you feel unregulated? 

2. Identify the cause-awareness of what may have triggered it. Or the many ways you have been building up to be out of capacity.

3. Identify the distress level from 1-10 with 10 being the highest level of distress.

4. Widening the Window 

-The goal isn’t to always be floating around in the middle-yellow on the chart. Instead, you don’t want to get stuck. You want to have the ability to move 

more quickly to healthy places once you have awareness.

-In  this part you have to be still. (No multitasking or avoidance) 

Be accepting of positive and negative thoughts  (adding on questioning, logic, judgment, shame and self loathing just digs in)

Set a timer if you have to practice being still.

5. Emotional regulation- 

There are so many great things about this. Most of them are PHYSICAL. Regulating the physical nervous system requires a physical response. Choose at least 5 of your favorites from below. I recommend that you make flash cards or a list in your phone because it's hard to recall these when you feel offline emotionally. 


  • Breathing techniques-you’ll have to look for mindful 

  • Self Care

  • Sleep and Rest (without guilt) 

  • Physical health-healthy foods, water, sleep, movement, stretching, supplements if needed  (learn about gut health and effects on the brain) 

  • Yoga (stretching and breathing) 

  • Reading scripture 

  • Writing prayers

  • Writing out the repetitive thoughts and distressing feelings 

  • Reading 

  • Be in Nature 

  • Bare feet on the ground 

  • Crafting and Creating 

  • Anything with Movement: example-shaking -dogs even do it to regulate 

  • Grounding-5 things you can see, 4 you can touch, 3 you can feel, 2 you can smell, 1 you can taste

  • Sensory: Warm bath, ice bath, massage, scents, music, drinking cold water

  • Sunshine 

  • Physical touch, socializing, eye contact

  • Cold Therapy! Ice on face, frozen vegetable on chest,

  • Laughter and/or crying 

  • Dark chocolate and spicy foods

The following are good for all, but especially with kids:  (Look up co-regulation for more ideas) 

  • Mirroring me-what is my body doing?

  • Have them copy your faces-start aggressive and then move to calm

  • Have them follow your finger by doing the same with theirs 

  • Ping pong, tennis or throwing a ball back and forth 

  • Have them do anything that requires coming up with facts. Math problems, lists of categories (cereals, find all the things that are pink in the room, name 8 zoo animals) 

Other helpful resources: 

Dr. Daniel Amen is a psychiatrist who provides a wealth of psychoeducation online and in books. (they have a brain quiz that gives you a brain type and supplements suggestions)

Aundi Kolber-Try Softer 

Let’s Be Real (Nicole Unice) Podcast 12/7/22

Dan Siegel-creator of window of tolerance 

Hope you all have a Sound Mind Summer! 😀

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