Why do i need counseling?

People of all ages and backgrounds come to Christ Counseling Ministry seeking answers to questions, resolution to conflicts, healing for broken relationships, and spiritual growth in the Christian walk.

+ 1. Why do people come to counseling?

The presenting problem is usually the pain of broken relations: marital, parental, work related, or social. Some of the problems are serious, while other problems require only short term solutions. Depression, anxiety, inability to communicate feelings, unmanageable conflicts, negative thinking, self-destructive behaviors, and addictive behaviors are the most common issues.

+ 2. How are clients evaluated?

During the first intake session, clients are interviewed by our intake specialist. If more information is needed clients are asked to complete a thorough questionnaire at home. This reviews presenting problems, personal and social history, relationship issues, troublesome thoughts and behaviors. Depending on the nature of the problem, clients are assigned to a licensed professional counselor, psychologist, pastoral counselor, or conflict mediator. The counselor and client establish goals and a treatment plan.

+ 3. What is a typical session like?

Each session is 50 minutes in length. The session begins with our acknowledged dependence on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and His power to minister through all who share in the session. We strive to listen empathetically to the person’s perception of the problems, both the feeling and factual content. There is an active interchange of sharing and encouragement to learn new things about one’s self. Attitudes and assumptions about life are carefully examined as we try to understand troublesome behavior. In addition to our professional skills, we trust for guidance from our concerned and loving God. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11

+ 4. Does the client have a responsibility?

There is an expectation of personal commitment to work and grow. This commitment is assessed in the initial session and throughout the duration of the counseling. Often, there is outside work such as a reading assignment or keeping a journal. Regular and punctual attendance is important. The client may be referred if, at any point, the client or the counselor believes that another type of assistance would be more beneficial.

+ 5. What do I need to bring to my first session?

Payment amount arranged with the intake specialist. If using Medicaid, bring current documentation. It is helpful for the client to bring written notes or a journal with current concerns.

+ 6. What is the belief of Christ Counseling Ministry?

We are convinced that Jesus Christ can transform any person and any marriage into a model of Christ’s love for the whole world. We believe that the Holy Spirit can empower each person to live a life of meaning, balance, and wholeness.