Our Vision, Mission, and Values
Our vision is that people who have been broken by our fallen world will experience restoration and healing through Jesus Christ, in all areas of their being: physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. (John 10:10)
Christ Counseling Ministry offers clinically trained professionals devoted to restoring lives to wholeness in Christ through Christ-centered counseling, teaching, and prayer.
1. Redemption: new life, lived to the fullest, is possible for all, through a relationship with God the Father, by salvation through Jesus Christ. (John 3:16, Colossians 1:13-14)
2. Truth: There is absolute Truth and it is found in in God’s Word, the Holy Bible as revealed though Jesus Christ by God the Father. (John 1:1, 2 Timothy 3:16)
3. Worth: All human beings are of infinite worth and value in God’s eyes and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect by others. (Genesis 1:27)
4. Voice: Our counselors provide a place for everyone, especially those who previously have felt marginalized or victimized, to be able to freely express their needs, emotions, fears, and desires.
5. Safety/security: Our environment is one where clients are safe to be who God created them to be and where they can express themselves and their feelings with no judgement.
6. Autonomy: We desire to help clients understand that with proper boundaries, they can have control over their own lives and make decisions about their own beliefs; individuals are responsible for who and what they will allow to affect their thoughts and feelings.